Cats, Cats and more Cats | Are you Surprised? | Uprising at Home
Well friends, are you any more surprised than I am that I'm posting about cats again? no? good! Truly my crazy cat lady card was given to me quite sometime ago, so no need to sign me up. We found out that Waffles was pregnant about a month after my mom had come down to visit us. My cats are never allowed outside but somehow Waffles found an opportunity during that visit and got out. Needless to say the next day was filled with lots of tears and me and Ryan frantically scouring our neighborhood for her. Thankfully our neighbor helped us find her and she was unscathed. Well three-ish weeks go by and waffles starts to look slightly more chunky, 5 weeks go by and I knew she was pregnant. I was never planning on her having kittens, three is a healthy number of cats to have without people thinking you are utterly insane. Thankfully after her X-ray we were only going to be expecting two, not the 6 that Ryan was having panic attacks about, mostly because he knew I wouldn't want to give any of them up! After that vet visit we were told we had 24-48 hours to go before she was to give birth. Well two weeks later and me thinking that she was going to stay pregnant forever, she layed down next to me while I was opening up my laptop and started to have contractions. Yay!/OMG/THIS IS IT/AHHH! Within two hours she successfully gave birth to a baby boy and a baby girl. She had a little trouble with baby boy since he was breached but baby girl came out just fine. Waffles has been an amazing mommy and I still think when she looks at me she's psychically telling me that she can't believe she's a mommy. Despite them not being planned they are of course, adorable and I am so thrilled to have more babies in the family. It's always been my dream to have a mom and dad cat and their babies grow up together in our home, and even though Nizmo is the surrogate father, we're going to be one LARGE happy cat family!
Our baby girl has the dark nose and gray coloring and baby boy has the beauty mark and looks exactly like his momma.
She's still adjusting to motherhood and always gives me this look when I call her a mommy haha!