Kitten's First Birthday | Drogon & Dracarys | Uprising Family

Well it's happened. Another year has flown by and my babies have grown up! I can't believe that a year ago I came home sat on my bed to email one of my brides their wedding day timeline when Waffles jumped up on the bed, sat down next to me and started having contractions! (Jasmine if you're reading this thank you for being so patient while we welcomed our new additions!) I had already been in a panic two weeks prior thinking that everyday was THE day and on the one day I was basically over the anxiety, she went into labor. Being the cat lady that I am I had been through several births before but this one was something quite special. Not only did I have an amazing connection with her from the moment we laid eyes on each other but when she laid down to give birth she made sure I was right next to her and she laid down on my hand staring up at me as she was pushing. It was as if I was her midwife, or kitten midwife IDK! But regardless it was one of the most special moments in my life having her look into my eyes for comfort as she was giving birth to two beautiful babies. Now some of you may be thinking that I am a crazy person, which you're not wrong but it is hands down one of the most special moments and i'm so thankful that Waffles chose me to be her human! No offense Ryan.

With a year behind us they've grown so much and their personalities are SO different from each other but they both have very similar characteristics of their parents which is so fun to see! I'm so happy to have been able to keep the family together despite being out numbered by cats and cleaning up after them each day, it's so worth having all the flat faced, fuzzy weirdos we get to share our lives with!

We attempted to get them to wear party hats but lets just say they were not having it! Kids What are ya gunna do?!


5 Years Together | Wedding Anniversary | Ryan & Shayna


Jessie & Gabe | Wedding | The Parlour at Manns Chapel | North Carolina